About Us

Hi and welcome to our aquatic haven, where we explore everything about swimming. We are Louis and Stefan, two passionate swimmers and our mission is to share knowledge, build a swimming community, and offer guidance on topics ranging from poolside hairstyles to conquering deep swimming pools.

From serene natural swimming ponds to thrilling open water races, we cover it all, including tips for adult beginners and the remarkable health benefits of swimming. Join us on this journey to entertain, inspire, educate, and make your swimming experiences unforgettable.

Our Swimming Connection

Our journey into the swimming world, as both athletes and creators, is a story of serendipity. We met by chance, discovered our shared love for swimming, and knew it was destiny. This blog is a testament to the power of shared interests and the connections forged by swimming.

Meet Louis and Stefan:

Louis started his swimming career with 5 years and was a lifelong passionate crawl swimmer, while Stefan’s aquatic journey began at age six, leading him to lifeguarding and a deep appreciation for water beyond competition.

Louis’ swimming journey

Louis Pietsch

Stefan’s swimming journey

Profilbild Stefan

Age 5

Mischievous Beginnings in Swimming

Louis’ voyage into the world of swimming began at a mere five years old, driven by his innate curiosity and a mischievous nature. He and a friend often found themselves causing a bit too much ruckus during swim sessions. Their antics, however, would mark the turning point in Louis’ aquatic journey.

Age 6

From Beginner to the First Swimming Badge

Stefan began his aquatic journey at the age of six, under the watchful guidance of his aunt, who lived just opposite the local swimming pool. Every morning, without fail, she would dive into the water, and it wasn’t long before I followed suit. It was here that he not only learned to swim but also proudly achieved his first swimming milestone – the coveted german “Seepferdchen” badge.

Age 7

Early Dive into Competitive Swimming

Recognizing his potential, Louis was swiftly moved from the “fun group” to the more serious swim group—a defining moment that ignited his lifelong passion. His initial dalliance with keyboard playing was eclipsed by the allure of the pool, and he committed himself wholeheartedly to the sport.

Age 7

Local Club to Competitive Swimming

Stefan’s hometown became the stage for his early swimming days as he joined the local swim club. Initially, his participation was sporadic, limited to city and state-level competitions. However, as his passion grew, so did his training sessions, becoming increasingly demanding.

Age 11

Louis swimming 01

Chasing Medals and Pursuing Dreams

As his dedication grew, so did his training regimen and his participation in competitions. The fruits of his labor began to manifest in the form of medals, with each victory fueling his desire to excel further. Yet, the constraints of his small village swim club pushed him toward the grander possibilities that awaited in the nearby city, where the largest swim club beckoned.

Age 11

Balancing Passion and Reality

Around age ten, Stefan contemplated joining a sports school and go “All in” into competitive swimming. But he opted against an all-consuming swim-focused life and as well due to health concerns.

Age 13

From Hometown Club to City’s Premier Swim Team

In the third grade, Louis made the pivotal decision to join the city’s premier swim club, embarking on a daily journey that involved a 20-kilometer commute to pursue his passion. The transition to the city’s sports school became the next logical step, requiring him to rise early for morning training sessions before school and return home only after the evening training sessions had concluded. It was during these grueling years that Louis honed his skills, becoming a dominant force in his age group at the state level and even competing at the national level, achieving an impressive 9th place in the 200m backstroke.

Age 13

Stefan Lifeguard 1

Shift to Lifesaving: A Refreshing Journey

From that moment, his competitive spirit waned, and after a few years, his enthusiasm dwindled. It was during this time that he discovered the world of lifesaving, and it marked a refreshing shift in his journey. He found himself in a vibrant atmosphere, surrounded by new insights, guided by an enthusiastic coach, and bonding with an incredible team.

Age 15

Louis swimming 02

Battling Challenges and Achieving National Success

Louis’ life was swimming, with 5 to 7 weekly training sessions and jam-packed weekends filled with swim meets. He even juggled schoolwork in between, thanks to his trainer who provided meals and a brief respite for homework before practice. However, a muscle strain forced him to miss both state and national championships—a bitter setback in his otherwise stellar career.

Age 17

Rescue Swimming Badge and fading out

Within his last high school year, he achieved the German Rescue Swimming Silver Badge, a testament to his commitment to water safety. After that he focused on his further life and quitted rescue swimming as well.

Age 17

L: A Painful Setback and a Tough Decision

As the strains of an impending high school graduation and dwindling motivation crept in, Louis faced a crossroads. Embracing the philosophy of giving his all or nothing at all, he made the heart-wrenching decision to step back from competitive swimming. His dedication and achievements in the pool had left an indelible mark on his life, and now he turned his attention toward the pursuit of academic excellence.

Age 19

Transition from Swimming to Academics

Louis’ swimming journey, from a mischievous youngster to a competitive athlete, was marked by dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment – a testament to the incredible passion that swimming can ignite in the hearts of those who dare to dive in.


Ice Swimming 02

Ice Swimming

Today you can find Stefan wherever you can jump into the cool water. Preferably where it’s nice and cold. For more than 3 years, he has indulged in ice bathing together with other polar bears.

Get in touch with SwimmR

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Social Media:


Blum und Steffes NicheLink GbR
c/o COCENTER Koppoldstr. 1
86551 Aichach

Email: contactswimmr@gmail.com

Phone: +49 163 4430077

Feel free to reach out using the details above. We’re just a call or click away!